Our Patient Promise
- We promise to treat everyone as an individual, with no discrimination
- Our patients will be treated as people, not just a medical condition. This means we plan care which emphases the patient’s individual needs with dignity and strict confidentiality.
We will set standards of care and review them periodically, in the form of audits, and we will act accordingly
Help us to help you
- Please let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number
- Please attend your appointments and arrive on time
- If you are unable to attend your appointment please cancel your appointment
- We ask that you treat the doctors and practice staff with courtesy and respect
Please read our booklet. This will help you to get the best out of the services we offer. It is important that you understand the information given to you. Please ask questions if you are unsure of anything.
From 1st April 2014, NHS England will have the right to extract data from your medical records. We need to make you aware that this is happening and the choices you have.
There are changes occurring in how we protect the confidential and personal information that we record in your medical records. The changes make it a legal obligation for us to share your information.